sábado, 4 de abril de 2015

The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

We have been nominated for The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award by The Reading Habits of a Recovering Daydreamer and we are very glad she chose us. Thank you Alie!

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site
  • Put the award logo on your blog
  • Answer the 10 questions they sent you

Questions from "The Reading Habits of a Recovering Daydreamer":

1. What is the first book that made you cry?

Rebeca: Harry Potter and the Hald Blood Prince.
Isabel: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

2. Do you read non-fiction? If so, what genre(s)?

R: Dramas mostly.
I: No, not really.

3. Which author makes you wish you'd written his/her book?

R: In a good way? J. K. Rowling. In a this-book-has-so-much-wasted-potential-it-should-totally-be-rewritten? Melissa Marr.
I: Non. If the author thought that was the best way to write her story, then she has that right! I don't have the write to say that somebody's ideas are bad or her opinions wrong. I have the right to dislike the book, but not to change it.

4. What's your favorite quote?

R: "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." - Albus Dumbledore
I:  "But what if Shakespeare - and Hamlet - were asking the wrong question? What if the real question is not whether to be, but how to be?"- Gayle Forman, Just One Day

5. What's your favorite holiday? Least favorite?

R: Visiting a new city. Going to the countryside.
I: The same as Rebeca, I just don't mind the countryside, I mean, I live in the countryside xD Is not that bad people!

6. What's your favorite campy film (or TV show, book, etc.)?

R: Right now... I guess The Kill Order by James Dashner. (I really hope campy means what I think it means though hahaha)

7. Which is worse: love triangles or instalove?

R: INSTALOVE! Definitely the worst for me.
I: I'm sucker for love triangles. But I'm not totally against instalove. In some books it's a bit exagerated. I find that sometimes people mistake instalove with insta atraction. But I do believe in insta atraction. People just have a tendecy to mistake both of them. You can not possible love a person you know nothing about, but you can feel atractted to a certain person the moment you see him/her. Your opinion might change when you actually meet her of course. 

8. If your life (or maybe a fantasized version of your life) were made into a movie, who would play you? Who would play your significant other?

R: I'd love it if Zooey Deschanel played me and Alex Pettyfer played my significant other!
I: Miley Cyrus would be me and Zac Efron my significant other. Seriously people, I couldn't care less about celebrities. I stopped having celebrity crushes when I was 12.

9. Which composers/artists/songs would be on the soundtrack of your biopic?

R: Cold Coffee by Ed Sheeran.
I: Something by Ed Sheeran or The Head And The Heart

10. What's your favorite kind of event/performance to attend (musical, opera, ballet, football game, concert, etc.)?

R: Ballet performance! Or a concert of a band/singer I really enjoy.
I: None?! I mean I never found interest in those type of social events. I like to go just because of the ambient that surrounds people. I know it's weird, but I like to observe people in these type of things

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